About Us
The Deepa Academy has initiated an empowerment center in Bangalore for the differently abled. It was set up(or built) in April 2006 and has been operational since June 2006. The Academy is registered as a Voluntary organization under Karnataka Societies Registration Act, 1960. It works towards the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and the Differently Abled Students, in particular hailing from rural Karnataka. We aim to make them self-supporting and independent.
- Development through Education, Knowledge and Skills
- Power to empower the Differently Abled
- Justice to all

Deepa Academy for Differently Abled is committed to serving the need of special children by providing visually impaired students with high-quality and up-to-date curriculums, fostering an effective teaching/learning environment, and bringing them to the mainstream of the community.

“Empowering the differently abled with quality education and promoting overall development with the guiding principles of self-help, interaction and involvement.”
Our Impact

Poor Blind Children


Children Trained Under Skill Development Program
Our Impact

Poor Blind Children


Children Trained Under Skill Development Program

Sri Shantharam R.S
- Educational Qualification: B A , M A in English Literature and BEd for special education
- Work experience: As worked an editor for an English the Children’s Magazine “Brain Child” from 1992 to 1999
- He has been a teacher for the visually impaired students since 2001. He teaches subjects like English, Social science, Economics, sociology.
He is the main Instrumental in establishing the residential high school for visually impaired girls in the year 2006 in Bangalore, which was the first of its kind in our State. He also established a primary school for visually impaired children in Chamarajanagar District in the year 2012.
He has been instrumental in adopting the Chamarajanagar district to render services to the differently abled children under the C B R project and also initiated a Primary and Higher primary school for the visually challenged children of this district which was also the first school in the district. He always has come forward to organize health awareness camps, and disability prevision camps in various rural parts of our state.
He has received many Awards and Appreciation from various Government and non government Organizations like, The Kempegowda Award from BBMP
The Best teachers award from Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, Bangalore.
Service awards from Lions Clubs and Rotary Club, Inner wheel club north and south zone, Sahana Charitable Trust, Maharani Lakshmi Ammani College for Women, Rotary Udyog, and Amway opportunity foundation.
Has been a delegate to various National Conferences Organised by Amway in New Delhi on the Subject of CSR and All India Confederation for the Blind. At present taking care of the welfare of more than 150 visually challenged children of Karnataka.
Deepa academy for the differently abled was initiated with an intention to educate the visually challenged children and to make them self reliant in their lives with this objective started a English medium residential high school for visually impaired girls it was the first of its kind in the state.
The academy started the following the state syllabus under which the students began to learn Subjects like English Kannada Hindi Economics Political Science and Social science apart from these subjects for the overall development of the students they were taught computers using the JAWS and NVDA software’s, orientation and mobility and under the co-curricular activities Music Dance and theater and handicraft classes were conducted.
The Highly talented students of our academy who completed their Rangapravesham in Bharathanatyam Had opportunities to travel across U.S.A Twice performing more than 100 programmes and raised funds to the academy and enabling the organization to purchase a 5 Acre of land at DEVI DHAMA Bhogahapura Chamarjanagara Taluk ChamarajanagraDistrict. Here in the purchased land the academy built a school Building with unique Classrooms and started a primary school for visually impaired children which was also first of its kind in Chamarajnagar District. Facilitating the visually impaired children to study at the school.

Till today the organization has been instrumental in providing education for more than four hundred students by providing them free education lodging, boarding and clothing and medical and all the supportive services with the help of various Philanthropists and social organizations. At present The Deepa academy for the differently abled is sheltered 85 visually challenged children under which 50 children are studying at primary levels, 30 children at High school levels and 20 students at the college levels. The organization has long way to go in its journey to strengthen the Deprive and weaker section of the society and make them fruitful citizens of our country